Step outside

We are all agreed
The Big One says build fences
Protection needed.

Hide behind the fence
Bar enemy from crossing
Shoot first, ask later.

Defense is offense.
Protection is illusion.
Tear down the fences.

Step outside yourself
Pretend you are another
We are all alike.

“Perhaps in a few hundred years, we will have established human colonies amid the stars, but right now we only have one planet, and we need to work together to protect it. To do that, we need to break down, not build up, barriers within and between nations.” — Stephen Hawking

About peNdantry

Phlyarologist (part-time) and pendant. Campaigner for action against anthropogenic global warming (AGW) and injustice in all its forms. Humanist, atheist, notoftenpist. Wannabe poet, writer and astronaut.
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33 Responses to Step outside

  1. Pingback: A response to an eco-humynist manifesto for the 21st century | Wibble

  2. Pingback: We are all treaty people

  3. Pingback: Where do we go from here? | Wibble

  4. If only we could all just Step outside of our own small little worlds and step into another’s shoe and see life from their perspective… It seems as I have browsed this afternoon many are tuning into that same thought vibration of Perspective!..
    We are One… and as hard a concept that is for some to embrace.. We need to see that its not someone else’s responsibility It is ours… We are each of us accountable for our thoughts, deeds and actions.. and its not up to anyone else.. But its up to Me, You and everyone to SEE that WE have to change the way we are living, We have to stop waiting for others to DO something.. WE have to start and Step outside of our selves and start living as we want the world to live..

    This means treating others as we wish to be treated.. it means learning to live in harmony with the world, Which means living in harmony with our immediate families… and it means that we have to be aware of treating our environment with less pollutants and the lists goes on and on…

    Great poem and Great Post this was linked to.. :-)

    Liked by 1 person

    • pendantry says:

      First off, after a delay of five years, I’m intrigued as to whether The System will nudge you that I’ve finally responded to your message (please let me know!)

      I agree completely with everything you say here. It begins with us: we must treat others as we wish to be treated; everything else falls into place once everyone sings from that same hymn sheet!

      Mitakuye oyasin :)

      Liked by 1 person

      • rawgod says:

        A revised Golden Rule:
        Do unto others only that which you would allow others to do unto you.
        Restated in personal terms: I will do unto others only that which I will allow others to do unto me.
        (I try to always be conscious of how my actions or non-actions might affect others. Would I willingly let someone affect me that way? If not, I must decide how to act, or not act, in that situation. The problem I see with the original Golden Rule is that it does not take inaction into account. There are times it is better to not act. Such as a cop pulling out a gun as soon as they think they might have a need for it. Better to leave the gun holstered until it is definitely needed. Prevent accidents from happening!)

        Liked by 1 person

        • peNdantry says:

          That’s a very astute, and wise, observation. Thank you!


          • rawgod says:

            Our societies are built on action, and often people are condemned for not acting. Sometimes that is true. In the early 90s in Winnipeg an angry man hacked his separated wife to death on a busy street in front of all kinds of people sitting in their cars at a red light. No one helped. Not one. That was disgraceful. (It just so happens this man is being released this week from prison on a day parole to see if he can be safely allowed back into society. He failed twice already.)
            Another time, not sure where, a couple was arguing loudly about something, and a stranger did step in to see if he could calm things. Both parpicipants turned their anger on him (who knows why) and beat him half to death before more help arrived. Both attackers ended up in jail, and their kids ended up in foster care for years. The “hero” was made parapalegic by the beating. Everyone lost.
            I don’t have the answer to the second situation, except angry words were physically hurting no one, until the would-be helper stepped in and became a common enemy.
            In the first situation where no one helped, a woman violently lost her life because of it.
            Surely actual violence must be addressed.
            These are extremes. Most situations are not so potentially violent. But still we must as fellow humans be prepared to act, or not act, when faced with activities going sideways. Where do we draw the line?

            Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks my friend, not to worry about the replies, Life gets in the way often.
    I have been absent myself for a few days here, and I totally forgot this comment as I leave so many all over the place..
    Just keep being the best we can be. and following our hearts.. If we all did that, we would go along way in curing the ills of the world.. Instead of indifference and judgements..
    Have a beautiful Day.
    Sue :-0

    Liked by 1 person

    • pendantry says:

      Thank you for your lovely thoughts. It is a beautiful day today. It’s snowing outside, and it’s settled, which hasn’t happened in this neck of the woods for some time. Just wish I had my skis (my brother has them at the moment). Oh, and a mountain or two would come in handy (Cambridgeshire is pretty much as flat as a pancake!)

      Speaking of time, I think it’s quite amazing that we can have a ‘conversation’ that has spanned half a decade. In some ways, technology can actually be useful. I’m pretty much a luddite, so that’s high praise, coming from me! :)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes Technology is wonderful, and I am not knocking it as much as how its been used as a tool to manipulate. And how we are unaware of how it is affecting our behaviours, And the worrying thing is just how much AI is taking hold. ( those futuristic films about robots are not so far in the future )
        And we are in the midst of a snow storm here in the East Mids too. Take care and I hope the Sun keeps shining on your day. :-)

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: We the people #Allthepeople | Wibble

  7. blindzanygirl says:

    This is good 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Nobody is born a racist | Wibble

  9. I really can not add anything different to my comments here in 2013 and 2018…. We are programmed to see only labels… all put into boxes…. Yet no one really is seeing WE are ONE… regardless of creed, colour, race or sexuality… Its learnt behaviour patterns….

    So going back to your recent post…. You are so right.. No one is born a racist.. <3
    Great post to re read again.. :-)

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Wonderful premise. Too bad the reality is not so beautiful.


  11. Pingback: Step outside – Wibblings

  12. jilldennison says:

    Well said, my friend … sorry I’m late to the party, but I didn’t know you back in 2009! I especially like the quote by Stephen Hawking. Now if only people would LISTEN!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • peNdantry says:

      That’s a real conundrum. I don’t know how to get them to listen; nagging is counter-productive, that’s for sure. A steady drip, drip, drip of reality reminders may help to wake folks up – but of course ‘woke’ has been hijacked by those who wish to retain the status quo.

      Liked by 1 person

      • jilldennison says:

        I don’t know either, but it seems we are moving in the wrong direction. People want to live in communities where everyone is exactly the same. Mention what is happening in parts of Africa, in Venezuela, even Ukraine, and people just shrug … they don’t care! How can you not care??? No one person is “better” simply because of their nationality or skin colour!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Some days … I really dislike this world.

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: Stepping Outside | Wibble

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