POTUS: it’s time to lead on climate

Following on from my post the other day trying to do my little bit to promote:
the Forward On Climate rally in Washington DC on 17Feb2013

Stepping Towards Sustainable Solutions pointed me to:
an open letter to the President Of The United States (POTUS) calling for bold climate action…

Friend Nature pointed me to:
the Sierra Club Foundation’s form letter which offers the facility to send POTUS your own personalised message. (Note: The form requires entry of a zip code and matching State, so if, like me, you don’t have either, I suggest using ‘12345’ as the zip and ‘NY’ as the state — because it works, and otherwise I will have wasted your time…)

So, if you can’t go to Washington DC on 17Feb2013, you can instead send the POTUS your own message and/or co-sign the open letter.

Below, I’ve included the letter I wrote. It’s All Mi Own Werk©®pat. pend™, but, please, feel free to steal any of the words; you can even use them in the same order, if you think that will help…

Dear Mr President,

I am a British Citizen living in the UK, so it can be argued that US politics is none of my concern. But I am also a resident of the Earth, and I do not wish to see the planet that is my home become a wasteland.

A while ago, I vowed never to fly again — a measure to reduce my own carbon footprint — yet, even so, I am considering flying to be in Washington DC on 17Feb2013 to attend the Forward on Climate rally. The reason I would risk being accused of hypocrisy by doing so is that I view this event as a last gasp effort to get action to stop the insanity.

It may well already be too late; recent reports now coming in reveal the disastrous manner in which we have underestimated how badly our activities are damaging the biosphere, the only home to life we know. Tipping points are being passed that, for all our technological wizardry, for all our smarts, we will be powerless to tackle — making all talk of ‘adaptation’ moot.

As the rock group ‘Yes’ says: “Without hope, you cannot start the day”. Though I know you are concerned about the state of the economy, there is no surer way to ensure its complete downfall than if the people have no reason to get out of bed in the morning because they can only see a future that is bleak, barren, and dead.

We humans, rightly or wrongly, have assumed the mantle of stewardship of this planet Earth. I urge you, please, Mr President, to take strong action, now, to protect our planet. Nobody else can do it. Other nations will follow your lead; but you must lead.

I thank you for listening.

About peNdantry

Phlyarologist (part-time) and pendant. Campaigner for action against anthropogenic global warming (AGW) and injustice in all its forms. Humanist, atheist, notoftenpist. Wannabe poet, writer and astronaut.
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21 Responses to POTUS: it’s time to lead on climate

  1. Martin Lack says:

    Excellent sentiments and choice of rock band (not a song I had previously heard). However, I think it a shame you did not include a link to my post with the Close to the Edge video:


    • pendantry says:

      Oh, you blatant self-promoter, you ;) I would have, had I realised it was there. Now I know; thank you for the link. (One day, I really am going to get a round tuit, and write that post I’ve been thinking about doing, trying to explain how blogging — in my view, at least — ain’t linear like wot traditional media is.)


  2. The Tar sands are a scar upon our Earth and Mans History… we seem to destroy more than we build… I wish you well in your visit and hope that some one listens somewhere… because time is running out.. We each of us have to do what we think is right to make a difference in this world…


  3. witsendnj says:

    Hey, if you decide to go let me know!!! I’m carpooling down with some friends. I’ll buy you a beer!


    • pendantry says:

      I was torn…

      Decided a while back never to fly again (CFRM: carbon footprint reduction measure); want to show solidarity with ForwardOnClimate in Washington DC on 17Feb2013; don’t want to be a hypocrite.

      Slept on it.

      Came up with a compromise: donate what the flight would have cost me, so I can help support those who can be there. Will be with you in spirit!


  4. John Crapper says:

    Signing petitions, writing letters, making phone calls and pissing off my friends talking about this stuff. I love your avatar! Keep the faith.


    • pendantry says:

      It’s hard, nay impossible, to separate truth from lies when there’s so much noise. The fact that BBC news is all over itself whittering on about ‘contaminated’ (sic) meat that’s essentially harmless*, while it continues to ignore what’s happening to our world, makes conspiracy theories such as this highly credible. As a wargamer of many years, I’m well aware of the principle of divide and conquer.

      One passage from that article rang very true with me:

      Climate Change is a bitch of a campaign because the more you understand the science – the more you become not only alienated from NGOs, but alienated from your own family and friends and society as a whole whose entire existence is now based on consumption.

      * The mislabelling of horse as beef should only come as a surprise to those who believe that Bleep’s facial cream (with added zest and vitamins) can make you look younger.


      • witsendnj says:

        I wouldn’t call it conspiracy theory. There are no secrets revealed or alleged, it’s all readily available information. She presents a different way of looking at the facts – without “eyes wide shut”. I loved the strawberry fields reference, where nothing is real, and living is easy with eyes closed. I hadn’t thought about that in a long time.


  5. Eric Alagan says:

    Politicians, once elected, hardly listen to their own electorate — but we need to keep banging the cymbals. Every squeak adds up.


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