The illusion of free will

First, watch this:

Having watched it, you may now have an idea what the ‘many worlds’ hypothesis is about.

Focusing on the Schrödinger’s Cat example: when the box is opened, the universe splits into two; one in which the cat is dead, and the other in which the cat is alive. Each person continues in their own copy of the universe, oblivious to the other.

Let’s take it one step further. As explained, the entire universe is entangled. When an ‘observer’ (you) measures (interacts with) any part of it, a new branching occurs. This must mean that every time your consciousness becomes aware of some aspect of your surroundings, a new universe branch appears; one that reflects the information you perceived.

A new universe is thus created every time you make a decision, no matter how trivial.

Now: choose an arm, left or right. Raise that arm above your head, then bring it back down again. You freely chose which arm to raise, yes? I didn’t influence you at all. But consider the possibility that you had chosen the other arm instead: there’s another you, in another universe, who raised that other arm… and that other you, like you, believes that they chose that arm of their own ‘free will’. (Or, perhaps you chose not to raise either arm!)

If ‘many worlds’ is true, this would completely reconcile the free will versus fate conundrum.

Perhaps those who say that we create our own reality are absolutely right….

About peNdantry

Phlyarologist (part-time) and pendant. Campaigner for action against anthropogenic global warming (AGW) and injustice in all its forms. Humanist, atheist, notoftenpist. Wannabe poet, writer and astronaut.
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8 Responses to The illusion of free will

  1. Pingback: Let’s Get Inspired by pendantry of the blog called Wibble – Part 1 of 2 – ThoughtsnLifeBlog

  2. Thank you for directing me here!! I agree with you on every single thing you say and like your explanation. Every choice we make does create our reality. As thrilling as this discovery was for me, I have also since learned what the catch is – are we operating from our authentic self truly guided by pure intuition, or are we making the choice from a patterning/conditioning, a need/want/like/dislike, belief based on someone else’s reality? It is having that awareness/discernment that separates a creation of our new reality from creating the same thing over and over again. Mostly we don’t have control over what takes over but we can train ourselves for influence towards creating something new.

    Liked by 1 person

    • pendantry says:

      I hear what you say, but I fear you may be missing the point I’m trying to make in this post, which is that for every ‘you’ that makes a decision, there may be another ‘you’ in an alternate universe that has made a different decision. And ‘you’ will ‘both’ believe that you have ‘free will’.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hmm …I am pondering over this more now…will type my thoughts below as they come.

        To me free will is the power of choice we have regarding anything, the one we exert consciously or then allow unconsciously. The purpose of this lifetime is to align more with the conscious choice. Whether the cat is dead or alive is a different aspect and how I live in my universe is a different aspect? Ultimately it comes down to only becoming aware that I made these choices only because I believed the cat was dead/alive. That I would have chosen differently in the other Universe. To me I am where I am and work with my free will as consciously as I can right here, knowing fully well that I am not in control fully of what steers the direction in any given moment.

        Thank you for this thought-provoking interaction :)

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Anonymole says:

    And in fifty years, some other theory will dispell this one.
    Does it smell when a quantum physicist farts? Probably. Does he/she light a match to cover the odor? Probably. Does that not-quite-extinguished match start a fire when tossed into the bin? Probably? Does that physicist die in that house fire? Probably. Do we ever get to read about this event? …


    • peNdantry says:

      Yes, well… not… entirely… sure what your point is, here.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Anonymole says:

        Struggling with my Nihilistic/existentialism on a daily basis I’m rarely capable of actually making a point… But, if I were to recall the version of myself at the time of that comment I’d prolly frame it something like… Attempting to make sense of the absurdity of an infinite number of myselves, yourselves, everyone and everything nets me nothing but the desire to drink heavily, which, in my current physical state, is ill-advised.
        The Universe, regardless of number, is still absurd in my opinion.
        I did enjoy Ve’s explanation. I’d not seen that one and I thank you for pointing it out.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Anonymole says:

        In another Universe, I actually did make sense. Unfortunately we’re stuck in this one where I rarely make sense. Nope, not this one – – – – – This one. Nope, not that one either. Well, one of these I suspect.

        Liked by 1 person

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