Who wants to be an unpaid billboard?

The fashion industry made a canny move in persuading millions to buy clothing that boldly bears brand names. I wish I knew how they managed that. I for one decided long ago that the only way I would wear such items is if the brand were to pay me for promoting their product (something that, naturally, would never happen).

When I was in the pub for my mid-litter-patrol reward pint last Wednesday, the young lady tending the bar complimented me on the T-shirt I was wearing. It was one of these:

Friends of the Earth ‘No Planet B’ T-shirt

While supping my pint, I pondered this. I looked up the ladies’ version of this T-shirt on my dumbphone, and then returned my empty glass to the bar. The young lady was still there, so I showed her the web page, and offered to send her the link. I left it at that, as she would need to give me her phone number for me to do that. She didn’t offer it (unsurprisingly; at a guess she was about a third of my age). But she did look up the Friends of the Earth website on her own dumbphone while we were chatting about it, so, who knows, maybe next week I’ll see her wearing one.

So, I set off on the second half of my weekly litter patrol… and pondered some more. And the final scene of V for Vendetta came to mind, in which a mass crowd, all wearing Guy Fawkes masks, surges towards the Houses of Parliament:

V for Vendetta – Great scene (finale)

Now, the problem with those masks is that they provide a measure of anonymity, and while this spectacle works well in a movie, it would be all too easy for such an event to be infiltrated and perverted by troublemakers.

But a T-shirt is a different matter. Imagine if enough people could be persuaded to wear this one as they go about their business. In the UK, our government recently revealed more of its fascist tendencies by implementing a law that allows them to punish, and even imprison, peaceful protesters. But while wearing a T-shirt with a specific message can be considered a form of protest, I’m pretty sure that there’s no law forbidding it. At least, not yet….

Enough people walking around wearing such a shirt would send a powerful message. I still hold out some hope that we can change such that we don’t consign all the residents of Spaceship Earth to an unhappy end.

So, might I ask you to consider buying one of these ‘No Planet B’ T-shirts from Friends of the Earth? They’re made from organic cotton, printed in the UK in a renewable energy powered factory, and a snip at just twenty quid each. You’ll be supporting a good cause.†

In fact, I’ll go one better than that: I’m willing to buy one each for the first five folks (it would be more but I’m not made of money!) to contact me (with name and address – I’ll obviously need that to get the shirt to you) to say you’ll have one. Because I’m not entirely stupid, there’s a catch, however: you have to agree to accept my gift under the terms of ‘ye Oath of Giftiness‘:

ye Oath of Giftiness, image

† There’s a megacorporation I won’t name that sells cheaper shirts than the Friends of the Earth one bearing the same ‘No Planet B’ message (though not the same design), but I can’t vouch for whether or not those are mass-produced in overseas sweatshops. (My guess is they probably are.)

About peNdantry

Phlyarologist (part-time) and pendant. Campaigner for action against anthropogenic global warming (AGW) and injustice in all its forms. Humanist, atheist, notoftenpist. Wannabe poet, writer and astronaut.
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6 Responses to Who wants to be an unpaid billboard?

  1. Jeff Cann says:

    As much as I’d like to play, I fear the shipping costs would be prohibitive. Thinking about my wardrobe, I only have a few logo’d shirts. One is a band, one is my daughter’s college and one is an Adidas sweatshirt. My brother gave me a hard time about the Adidas one, But the back story is I went out of town without a warm shirt and I needed one so I went into TJ Maxx and grabbed what they had. It was really cheap and super comfortable and I’m obsessively thrifty, so I’ll wear it until it falls apart. I guess I don’t mind advertising Adidas. I wear their running shorts and they serve me quite ell.


  2. I guess there is no outlet in the USA that sells these T-shirts?


  3. Dr Bob Rich says:

    Many years ago, my wife worked in a jeans and jumper shop. A 4-year-old led his mother in, looked around and said, “Nah! I want Levis.”
    They walked out again.
    I am in the process of designing a t-shirt as fundraiser (and funraiser) for my branch of the Greens in the coming state elections:
    The kids of today need a tomorrow.


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hetty Eliot says:

    I hate logos as well. The most I ever have is something printed on a button which most people won’t see anyway.


  5. Brilliant post, PeNdantry. I loved it. Like you, I’m passionate about the planet and do as much as possible to combat climate change and persuade others to do the same. It’s not as easy as some may think. It never ceases to surprise me how ignorant and pig-headed some people are regarding this vital topic, the UK government and others worldwide being amongst them, in my opinion!).

    I don’t know whether I ever shared with you that I’m a member of Extinction Rebellion, have been on protests, and challenged our MPs and councils for their lack of action. It still shocks me that some people don’t seem to care about the planet – like it’s nothing to do with them when it is and will always be. One woman I spoke to on the streets said that although she had children and young grandchildren, she didn’t care about the environment and planet because, in her words, “Why should I care; I’m not going to be around to see it!” Such ignorance and so little care for her family’s future. I intended to write a post about my feelings on climate change, especially in the light of the current heatwaves and droughts. I will get around to writing it before too long, as the more often we can get the word out there, the better. I do try and do my bit by recycling (except the councils ship plastic to other countries and incinerate most of our food waste rather than use it for composting etc. All this does further damage to the environment. I’m also vegan now, which also helps. As far as clothes are concerned, I try to buy what I ‘need’ from charity shops or secondhand markets rather than buying new, and I don’t replace clothes until they really need it.

    As much as I’d love to take you up on your offer of the lovely T-shirt, it would still mean using new raw materials rather than making do. It’s a great T-shirt, though, I agree.

    The video clip was fantastic – I’ve never seen or heard of it before. It gave me goosebumps, not with fear but because of the ‘power to the people’. Great stuff! I don’t know why I’ve written so much as I’m really preaching to the converted when discussing this topic with you. I hope you are well, and thanks for doing your bit and raising this awareness, too.


  6. Does it come in plaid?


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